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Area/Company targeting sample

Available data

IP address
Domain name(based on IP)
Domain type(basd on IP)
Line code
Line: Japanese name
Line: CF
Proxy flag
Continent code
Country code
Country in English
Country in Japanese
Region code
Prefecture code
Prefecture code in Roman
Prefecture code in Japanese
Prefecture latitude
Prefecture longitude
Prefecture CF
City code
City in Roman
City in Japanese
City latitude
CIty longitude
City CF
Organization company flag
Oraganization code
Organization head office flag
Oraganization self-emplyed flag
Company name
Company name (English)
Oraganization prefecture code
Oraganization city code
Oraganization latitude
Oraganization longitude
Oraganization zip code
Oraganization address
Oraganization address(English)
Oraganization Phone
Oraganization FAX
Oraganization Listed flag
Securities code
Oraganization established date
Oraganization capital code
Oraganization emplyees code
Oraganization sales code
Oraganization reprisentative
Oraganization industory L
Oraganization idustory M
Oraganization industory S
Oraganization industory T
Area code(based on oraganization)
Oraganization Wbsite Address
Oraganization domain name(based on oraganization)
Oraganization domain type(based on oraganization)
Area name
Weather updated time
Today's weather
Today's weather telop number
Tomorrow's weather
Tomorrow's weather telop number
The day after tomorrow's weather
The day after tomorrow's weather telop number
Today's hiest temperature(℃)
Today's hiest temperature code
Tomorrow's lowest temperature(℃)
Tomorrow's lowest temperature code
Tomorrow's hiest temperature (℃)
Tomorrow's hiest temperature code
Today's rain probability (%)
Tomorrow's rain probability(%)
Today's wind direction
Tomorrow'swind direction
Forecast hiest temperature (℃)
Forecast hiest temperature code


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