Area/Company targeting sample
Available data
IP address | |
Domain name(based on IP) | |
Domain type(basd on IP) | |
Line code | |
Line: Japanese name | |
Line: CF | |
Proxy flag | |
Timezone | |
Continent code | |
Country code | |
Country in English | |
Country in Japanese | |
Region code | |
Prefecture code | |
Prefecture code in Roman | |
Prefecture code in Japanese | |
Prefecture latitude | |
Prefecture longitude | |
Prefecture CF | |
City code | |
City in Roman | |
City in Japanese | |
City latitude | |
CIty longitude | |
City CF | |
Organization company flag | |
Oraganization code | |
Organization head office flag | |
Oraganization self-emplyed flag | |
Company name | |
Company name (English) | |
Oraganization prefecture code | |
Oraganization city code | |
Oraganization latitude | |
Oraganization longitude | |
Oraganization zip code | |
Oraganization address | |
Oraganization address(English) | |
Oraganization Phone | |
Oraganization FAX | |
Oraganization Listed flag | |
Securities code | |
Oraganization established date | |
Oraganization capital code | |
Oraganization emplyees code | |
Oraganization sales code | |
Oraganization reprisentative | |
Oraganization industory L | |
Oraganization idustory M | |
Oraganization industory S | |
Oraganization industory T | |
Area code(based on oraganization) | |
Oraganization Wbsite Address | |
Oraganization domain name(based on oraganization) | |
Oraganization domain type(based on oraganization) | |
Area name | |
Weather updated time | |
Today's weather | |
Today's weather telop number | |
Tomorrow's weather | |
Tomorrow's weather telop number | |
The day after tomorrow's weather | |
The day after tomorrow's weather telop number | |
Today's hiest temperature(℃) | |
Today's hiest temperature code | |
Tomorrow's lowest temperature(℃) | |
Tomorrow's lowest temperature code | |
Tomorrow's hiest temperature (℃) | |
Tomorrow's hiest temperature code | |
Today's rain probability (%) | |
Tomorrow's rain probability(%) | |
Today's wind direction | |
Tomorrow'swind direction | |
Forecast hiest temperature (℃) | |
Forecast hiest temperature code |